Socio-economic analysis of beekeeping enterprise in communities adjacent to Kalinzu forest, Western Uganda
Fred Kalanzi1,*, Susan Nansereko1, Joel Buyinza1, Peter Kiwuso1, Yonah Turinayo1, Christine Mwanja1, George Niyibizi1, Samuel Ongerep1, Jude Sekatuba1 and Denis Mujuni1
1National Forestry Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 1752, Kampala, Uganda *Corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT: Uganda has a very high potential for beekeeping given its floral diversity. This potential has not been fully exploited due to highly traditional production systems and limited apicultural research. This study, conducted in May 2014, was based on a survey of 60 beekeepers in areas adjacent to Kalinzu forest. The study employed a logistic regression model to assess the factors that influence the adoption of improved beehives. The study also analysed the local honey value chain to ascertain specific constraints affecting beekeeping in the study area. Results showed that education and training in beekeeping were the major factors influencing adoption of improved beehives. The honey value chain was dominated by beekeepers, middlemen and commercial processors. Pests, lack of equipment, low prices for bee products and farm sprays were the main factors affecting honey producers. Middlemen were constrained by high costs of transport, low quantities of honey collected and non-cash payments by buyers. Commercial processors were faced with honey adulteration, expensive equipment and unreliable honey supply. Commercialisation efforts should therefore focus on specialised trainings that overcome the constraints identified in the value chain. Key words: Adoption, bees, beehives, apiculture, honey value chain Subject areas: NTFPs; Forest-based enterprise; Beekeeping;Uganda Recommended citation: Kalanzi, F., Nansereko, S., Buyinza, J., Kiwuso, P., Turinayo, Y., Mwanja. C., Niyibizi, G., Ongerep, S., Sekatuba, J., Mujuni, D., 2015. Socio-economic analysis of beekeeping enterprise in communities adjacent to Kalinzu forest, Western Uganda. International Journal of Research on Land-use Sustainability, 2(1): 81-90. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2647.4329. |
Received: September 10, 2015 Accepted: October 9, 2015 Communicated by: Dr. Syed Ajijur Rahman Copenhagen University Denmark Download: |